We combine meaning and business. We believe in the power of the organization itself. Meaning and giving meaning are becoming increasingly important in many different fields. We are good at bridging these various fields. Happiness, progress and learning are central. For the organization itself of course, and the companies we work for immediately notice the impact on their own relationships and society. We bend over. We make aware. We bridge. We transform. Together with our clients we work step by step on long-term influence. It involves more than just finding a solution in the workplace. It is about happiness, well-being and success for all employees.
what we are.
business wisdom.
Compassionate Leadership is more than just consultancy. Is more than giving or receiving advice. We continue. It is a safe haven where you can dock for a short time or for a longer period if you get stuck or consciously opt for growth and awareness. For business and personal development, for inspiration, wisdom, solutions, conflict management, connection, learning to look in a different way, or thinking outside the box. A movement through which you grow to the best (business) version of yourself. We get our knowledge, skills and mind magic from the inexhaustible inspiring source of Tibetan Buddhism. We go for Business Wisdom.
how we do that.
Learning to work from wisdom and own strength. From consciousness. We guide these transformations in the desired direction with positive energy. We believe that organizations that want to make a difference can do that by getting into a magical flow. From a stalled situation we encourage a move towards a positive growth situation. We help a company regain its own strength and remain fully in its own strength. This not only to become business-wise, but also employee-wise, life-wise, success-wise. Bringing the best of both worlds together is our mission.
our method: bending from wisdom.
jigme leadership circle.
Our mindset and methodologies are based on the unlimited possibilities and wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism. Over the years, the proven successful methodology has emerged: the Jigme Leadership Circle. With this method we offer solutions for every jammed situation. Always with one goal in mind: learn to turn the challenge or change into opportunities, possibilities, strength and positivity! Our solutions lie in challenges in the areas of: Leadership Social Innovation Culture Change Self-management
"The key to reaching happy customers, as those who like to do business time and time again with a company, is to first focus on employee happiness."
why we do that.
Employees want more than just a good salary, meaning is becoming increasingly important. Employees want to feel that they are contributing to something bigger than themselves. It also appears that companies that have formulated a clear sense of purpose often do better than companies that do not. We want to contribute to a better, sustainable and socially innovative business world. To the well-being, happiness, growth and success for many.
believe you can and you're half way there.
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"In particular, it was an awareness process that was both very profound and very concrete. It influenced the most high and abstract, such as" Why do you exist as a company? " Compassionate Leadership does not provide a blueprint but challenges and triggers to develop it yourself. "
Ron van der Kleij, partner of KVL Inspiration Technology.
about us.
we are working on an adaptive mindset for harmony, connection, success and well-being for everyone