SEPT. 2019
"If you want to be an authentic and good leader you can not mix your own emotions with your leadership because this will harm the collective goals and impact. Your emotions are based on wrong habits which become mixed up with your role. For example, when I do my work, when I lead others it is my responsibility to control my mind I cannot mix up personal issues with my leadership responsibility. In my work when people like me this is fine, when they don't it is fine too because the main thing that matters is the sustainable impact we create together as a whole. As humans, we have so much knowledge. Emotions contaminate this with ignorance which leads to confusion because we mix things up.
You are a leader by spirit, therefore you have to be patient and see the benefit of others.
Never lose your own autonomy. Outwardly you are able to adapt yourself because inside you are like a rock.
You cannot be weak nor be disappointed nor being vulnerable for criticism. You will not be a good leader if you are not able to stabilize yourself in difficult circumstances. You need to be insensitive whether people like you or dislike you, whether they praise or blame you. It doesn't matter, you are like a rock.
So first, we need to take the lead over ourselves which means leading our ego. Our ego can be dominant or corrupt driven by personal needs. When you are unstable as a leader also your employees will be unstable. In this case, our emotions control our own autonomy and we cannot speak about good leadership. You need to calm and stabilize your mind, show the right example, show your people how to lead, how to inspire them and how to bring them benefit. As a result, they will start leading and inspiring each other."